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Reading LINKS
A Professional Development Resource

Many of us take children's learning to read for granted. Yet today, some 40 percent of children struggle or experience substantial difficulty in learning to read. Children who do not learn to read by the end of 3rd grade suffer academic and lifetime consequences of low self-confidence and motivation to learn.

The United States Congress mandated a review of the research and the development of a report of the methods that consistently relate to reading success. The report of the National Reading Panel was issued in 2000.

Screenshots of English Language Learners 1

The report provides important information about five important areas of reading programs with the implications for classroom instruction and early elementary school programs. Some of the findings will not be new to elementary school teachers but the importance of the various components and how they need to be taught may be new. For many, the information will not be new, but the need to teach the components systematically and intentionally may be new.

Early results of programs using the recommendations of the National Reading Panel have been successful. Struggling readers are now reading and readers are reading at even higher levels.

The LINKS project has developed a program of 16 lessons for teachers. The focus of the lessons is on teaching K-3, but several lessons demonstrate teaching upper elementary students. An additional two lessons are provided which describe school and district programs.

The lessons are installed on the LINKS website. A package of CDs and training materials to extend learning are available on line, click here to view the materials.

You can check them out by clicking the "next" button or the icon below:


For more information, please contact the LINKS project at (360) 725-6035 or

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